December 22, 2019

Workplace death

NT police report a 23-year-old man has died in a workplace incident in Palmerston on Friday.

NT police report a 23-year-old man has died in a workplace incident in Palmerston on Friday.

The 23-year-old was killed by electrocution while working in the suburb of Rosebery. Unconfirmed reports say he was in a roof at the time.

Police say detectives attached to the Crime Division will prepare a report for the Coroner.

A statement by the Electrical Trades Union said:
"While details of the incident are still unknown, as always the ETU asks people to remain ever vigilant in relation to safety in their workplace and that employers have all measures in place to ensure their employees go home safely every day or after every shift."

The incident makes the fifth workplace death in NT this year, and will be investigated by NT Worksafe